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时间:2019-01-10    点击: 次    来源:BEI德国农场咨询公司    作者:Jörg Krapoth - 小 + 大

ASF is all over in China. Officially there are 100 outbreaks.  German Farm Consulting was consulting to a farm where an outbreak has been in Nov 2018. Together with my colleagues Henrik Delfs I like to give a short summary.

非洲猪瘟已遍及全中国,官方报道100起疫情,我们公司正在服务的一个猪场在2018年11月份就发病的,我和我的同事Henrik Delf就此做一个简短的总结。

The large scale pig breeding farm (28 kg piglet production) is split into a purebred part and multiplication part. Until today only the purebred part has had clinical signs and positive PCR tests of an ASF outbreak. This ASF outbreak was not officially recognized and no measurements have been taken by the administration. The farm itself was able to isolate this outbreak into 5 buildings (1/3 of the farm) and since 8 weeks no further signs of ASF were detected.


In the following part we try to show step by step how easy such an outbreak can enter in a large scale farm and which measurements can be taken to control this outbreak.


On November 3rd 2018, 36 old sows of the purebred breeding part of the farm were sent to slaughter. They have been brought to the loading zone of the farm. The video surveillance of the loading zone has not worked at this day.


The truck was cleaned and sent by the slaughter house. It was controlled in a distance of 500 m to the loading zone and was again disinfected. The product and the concentration and of the disinfection product is unknown. The truck has entered 90 min after disinfection into the loading zone.


2 farm employees have worked in the farm loading zone to bring the sows to the truck. 1 employee has been in direct contact with the truck and 2 employees have transported the sows from the farm building to the loading area.


The employees reentered the farm after the loading or made a pause. The boots have not been disinfected sufficiently.


The employee who has been in direct contact with the truck, went back to work into the “North Gestation House”. He entered the building by dipping the boots into a disinfection solution.


On November 8th one sow in the North Gestation House, pen 16, died. This is the building where the farm employee who has had contact with the truck in the loading zone has entered after leaving the loading zone.




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