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时间:2019-01-10    点击: 次    来源:BEI德国农场咨询公司    作者:Jörg Krapoth - 小 + 大

All sows of the South Gestation House were sent also to slaughter. They have not shown symptoms and have not been PCR tested.


On Nov 20th all 70 remaining sows in the North Gestation House were positive tested for ASF and killed.


All positive tested animals out of all buildings have been killed and buried with disinfections. No positive tested animal were sent to slaughter or were brought outside of the farm.


On Nov 21st and 22nd all empty houses have been disinfected several time as the have been, before cleaning.


On Nov. 23rd 7 sows in the East Farrowing House have been tested positive for ASF and have been killed. The remaining 17 sows without any symptoms have been slaughtered.


On Nov. 25th there have been found 2 positive sows and one litter of piglets in the East Farrowing House. The positive tested sows where killed, the sows without symptoms have been slaughtered. All 1.335 piglets have been killed.


All emptied houses have been disinfected immediately several times, before cleaning, during cleaning and after cleaning. The manure has stayed in the building for 3 weeks. The Multiplication Unit of the farm, the Gilt House and the inherd A.I. Stud. were completely isolated and is remaining negative.


All suspicious animals are tested by PCR tests. The farm stuff is strictly linked to the different buildings and must change clothes if they leave their working place. They do not leave the farm.


Up to today, the 4th of January 2019, there have been no further positive PCR tests for ASF and no further suspicious animal in the farm.


Our conclusion out of this outbreak in our customer farm is:


• As far as we know, ASF is transferred by direct contact




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