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时间:2019-01-22    点击: 次    来源:爱猪网    作者:约翰.盖德(刘坤颖编译) - 小 + 大

导言:在非瘟肆虐的今天,John Gadd将讲述他认为不同规模的猪场应该做的事情。文章最后有一个平面图,是他根据经验,认为是 “最理想”的预防非洲猪瘟病的布局,仅供参考。

African Swine Fever (ASF) is the most worrying of the virus diseases at present, writes management expert John Gadd. Due to mandatory restrictions on pig meat trade in affected areas, this restricts income and wrecks cash flow, both of which can close pig businesses at all levels. What can farm owners do?


There has been much written about ASF recently, so why am I adding to the pile of information? I have been around long enough to have been in the front line of several Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Classical Swine Fever outbreaks, where a lot of mistakes were made in getting both viral outbreaks sufficiently and quickly enough under control.


Mistakes of unawareness rather than ignorance. Because even in the early stages, the advice on how to stem the flood of infection was there but insufficiently acted upon at farm level. We must not make the same errors again. And there are signs that we are doing so.


Making sure that nobody gets on-farm is a good start to keep ASF away from the pigs. Photo: Vincent ter Beek


So… here in 3 consecutive columns (the 3rd one being a ground plan of what from experience I consider an ‘ideal’ layout of a disease-protective pig unit) are the impressions I have gained from what needs to be done by the ordinary pig producer of any size or shape.

接下来的文章里,我将讲述我认为不同规模的猪场应该做的事情。文章最后有一个平面图,是我根据经验,认为是 “理想”的预防猪病的布局。

ASF is all about contact


ASF is spread by contact. Far less by the pig breathing the virus in as in Classical Swine Fever, so it should be easier to prevent and control. Think ‘contact’ in everything you plan to do and subsequently carry out on the premises.


What do I mean by contact? Not just pig to pig, but what we humans do by allowing the ASF virus in through contact on the clothing equipment, vehicles, food deliveries, breeding stock and every other visit by an ‘outsider’ to or into your vulnerable farm premises. So while ASF threatens locally or nationally – and preferably subsequently…




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